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Meet Dr. Vima Resto

Dr. Vima Resto hand in pocketEverything started with my best friend who was a clinical massage therapist. She used to work with kids with special needs and one day she asked for my help at a seminar for parents. She started talking about how her hands were instruments of God and I instantly knew that I wanted to do something like this.

I wanted to inspire parents and help kids thrive with the help of God and using my hands as instruments.

Finishing my bachelor’s in Microbiology at the University of Puerto Rico I started receiving chiropractic care from a Chiropractor who graduated from Life University. As I continue my care I started learning about the benefits of Chiropractic care, I knew that I wanted to explore this new path that God had opened for me. I had always had a calling to help people and animals so I knew I wanted to follow my heart on this.

Within a few months from graduation I visited Life University and I fell in love with the philosophy of how the body has an innate intelligence that God gave us to heal from the inside out.

I felt at peace, at home and that feeling of belonging.”

I graduated that summer and right after graduation I took a leap of faith and moved to Marietta, Georgia with my best friend and that has been one of the best decisions of my life.

I graduated on December 2020 from Life University and during my doctorate I did extensive training and I have experience with pregnancy and pediatric care, and also treating extremity injuries. I am currently certified on Webster technique (Chiropractic technique for pregnant women) by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). I am also a Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner (CCEP) and I have done the Pediatric Experience Certification with PXDocs. While I was in Chiropractic school I also got certified on TRT (Torque Release Technique),and Activator technique (low-force, gentle Chiropractic technique for geriatric patients, babies and kids).

I am married to Dr. Will who is also a Chiropractor, we are both from Puerto Rico and we also speak Spanish. We met in Chiropractic school (my chiro school sweetheart) and we have 3 amazing dogs, Sage, Indie and Wookiee. When I am not at the office I love watching Harry Potter and New Girl on my free time, having brunch on the weekends or going for a walk/hike.

I am really excited to help this community improve their health from the inside out and more than anything I am so happy to help these kiddos and families thrive!”

Schedule Your Appointment

Ready to embark on your journey to better health with Dr. Vima Resto? At Sprouting Life Chiropractic, we’re here to support you and your family every step of the way. Let’s work together to help you thrive—schedule your appointment today!

Dr. Vima Resto | (423) 287-5075