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Family Chiropractic Care

When a child is struggling with health, emotional or sensory issues, the entire family is struggling with those issues. At Sprouting Life Chiropractic, we provide care to help every member of the family feel and function their best. We say,

The family that gets adjusted together, stays together and lives their best lives together

Better Outcomes for All

When we’re working with a child, we like to look at the family dynamic. Children pick up on much more than we give them credit for, and for a child whose nervous system is already overtaxed, other stresses in the home can exacerbate the problem. So helping Mom, Dad and siblings reduce their accumulated stress can help the child achieve better outcomes.

The flip side is that the stress of trying to help a child with their unique challenges can create stress for parents, who are worried about their child and may have had to alter their lives to accommodate their condition. These stresses can feed into each other. We find that family care helps each member of the family address their unique issues so that they can thrive, individually and as a group.

IMG_0084Anxiety and Depression

Even if no one in your family is facing a major health challenge, the world we live in today is stressful and can affect our nervous systems in countless ways. The rate of anxiety and depression in teens is higher than it’s ever been. Neurologically based chiropractic care can be an effective way of addressing stress in the nervous system that leads to anxiety and depression.

Our Approach

Dr. Lauren has over a decade of experience and uses CLA INSiGHT® scans, which are safe, non-invasive and painless scans that show us where your nervous system is holding onto stress, and how long that stress has been there.

Armed with this information, she will design a care plan specifically for each member of the family to address their unique situation. We offer a range of affordable family plans.

Schedule Today

Contact us today to begin family care!

Family Chiropractic Care | (423) 287-5075